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Hallucinations: 100 billion ghosts hidden in the human body!


One day he decided to raid an abandoned haunted house in the area with his friends.  But as soon as they enter that house, the have a creepy feeling. He realized there is something in the house! Suddenly he saw a ghost walk in front of the eyes! What exactly should you do at that time? Talpitalpa wrapped up and must have run away from that place. Let me know the reason before that let's know a few more things-

Suppose a friend of yours is in a state of panic all day long. Maybe he can say, innumerable insects are walking on his body!But in reality, you did not see an ant!  These events are simply called hallucinations! Which is a very common process for our brain. As a result, the brain fails to gather enough information. From then on, hallucinations started happening. The cerebellum part of the brain is most responsible for hallucinations. The lower the efficiency of the cerebellum part of one's brain, the more hallucinations a person will suffer. Did you know that hallucinations are 100 billion ghosts hidden in the human body!That is, the person who suffers from hallucinations always sees ghostly activities happen to him.

Hallucinations can be present with all the senses of the body. Hearing hallucinations are the most common. You would be surprised to know that seven out of every 10 people suffer from auditory hallucinations!They hear unexpected words at different times, such as their own name.Many times the side effects of the drug affect the central nervous system of the patients.Which may result in sensory hallucinations.That is why there can be annoying feelings like walking on insects in the body.Another cause of hallucinations is carbon monoxide.This gas can immediately cause hallucinations by reducing nerve function.This gas can usually accumulate in abandoned houses or confined spaces.So it is better not to go on an expedition in an unfamiliar abandoned environment with friends.Because such deadly gas can silently push towards death.Healthy normal people can also suffer from hallucinations.It is good to know that although hallucinations are the main symptom of schizophrenia, hallucinations have been reported in many cases.As a result of excessive hallucinations, many have finally chosen the path of suicide.So never look down on your loved ones.


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