As many rumours about chocolate!!!!!
Weight gain, tooth decay, acne, etc.There are all kinds of rumours surrounding the tempting food chocolate, but what is the basis of all this!
It's hard to find people who dislike chocolate.However, there are various misconceptions about this great tasting food.
"Chocolate should be loved and eaten without worrying about anything," said Zeba Kohli, an Indian chocolatier on a health website.
In the report, some of the common misconceptions about Zeba Kohli chocolate are rumours and how true these issues are.
The ideal time to eat chocolate: The ideal time to eat chocolate at any time - a well-known line. Again, the idea that you should not eat chocolate after dinner is not new.However, this is not entirely true, said Zeba Kohli.
It depends on what kind of chocolate is being eaten.It is mainly sweetened to enhance the taste of chocolate.Too much of which is harmful to the body.So eating dark chocolate is beneficial for the body. After dinner, 15 grams of chocolate can be eaten, which contains 8 percent dark chocolate or cocoa and 34 percent sugar, fat and milk.
Chocolate increases weight: Eating a moderate amount of chocolate will not harm health or weight.Eating too much of any food will lead to weight gain.So playing with the amount of low-fat chocolate will keep the weight under control.
Chocolate before and after exercise: Chocolate is a very effective food for providing energy to the body.The benefits of dark chocolate over milk chocolate are always greater.So playing chocolate before and after exercise will get rid of body fatigue quickly.However, in this case, you have to take care of the amount of chocolate to be eaten.
Is chocolate responsible for acne and tooth decay? Mothers used to be afraid of tooth decay to control the consumption of chocolate by children.Tooth decay means tooth decay.And it is also a very common idea.However, there is no logical fear of this idea.
Many people avoid chocolate for fear of tooth decay as well as acne.However, Zeba said that chocolate cannot be blamed for acne or similar problems without allergy testing.
Beneficial for skin and health Chocolate: Cocoa beans contain several beneficial nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, healthy carbohydrates, anti-oxidants, flavonoids.These ingredients are quite beneficial for the body and skin.
Chocolate to keep the mood right: When you are upset, playing chocolate makes you feel better, this is a very popular idea. Chocolate is just as good as green tea. Some of the ingredients in chocolate are quite good to make the mind feel good. However, dark chocolate is more effective in this case.
About white chocolate!: White chocolate is known as white chocolate.However, due to the high amount of cocaine in ordinary chocolate, the colour turns brown.And white chocolate contains cocoa butter, milk and sugar!
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