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Accidents are on the rise as the use of ACs increases.

 However, in most cases, these accidents happen due to unconsciousness or carelessness.Engineer Researched and Development Department, advised on the causes of AC accidents and how to prevent them.Find out their advice:

The cause of the explosion:

 1. If the AC power cable does not use the correct spec.

 2.If there is dirt in the AC condenser, high temperature and high pressure are created in the compressor.

 3.If there is a blockage somewhere in the pipe inside the AC, high pressure can be created inside the AC and the compressor may explode.

 4.Charging more refrigerant than the limit of the compressor creates high pressure.

 5.If the compressor does not have the required amount of refrigerant, the inside temperature rises above the limit.

 .  If you do not vacuum the AC properly.

 .  If the refrigerant is not charged properly in the compressor, high pressure is created in the compressor.

 .  If you do not use the correct rating circuit breaker.

Ways to protect against AC explosion:

 1.Using good quality and accurate spec power cable.

 2.Keep the AC condenser clean regularly.

 3.Checking the high temperature and high pressure in the compressor.

 4.Check if there is any blockage in the pipe inside the AC.

 5.Check whether the compressor has the required refrigerant with an experienced and trusted company technician.

 .  Do not charge the refrigerant beyond the limit of the compressor.

 .  Properly vacuum the AC.

 .  Properly charge the refrigerant in the compressor.

 9.Using trusted and reliable brand AC, compressor and refrigerant.

 10.Refrain from buying and using low quality unknown or counterfeit brand AC and compressors.

 11.Using the correct rated circuit breaker.

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