Why do you get a smile when you tickle?
The outer part of our skin is called the epidermis, where the last parts of the nerves here send signals to our brain when touched. Researchers using fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) have found that two parts of the brain are responsible for this tickling sensation.
⭕ One is the somatosensory cortex, which analyzes this touch.
⭕ The other is the anterior cingulate cortex, which creates a feeling of pleasure.
Another part of the brain that is responsible for making us laugh when we hear tickles and jokes is the Rolandic operculum.It controls our facial expressions, voices and emotions during laughter. In general, parts of the body that do not have bones are more prone to tingling.Such as under the armpits, on the side of the abdomen or under the soles of the feet.
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