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Children also have diabetes

Diabetes is more common in adults.That is why children are not free from this disease.Different types of diabetes in children are called type-1 diabetes.

Diabetes in children is caused by a lack of the hormone insulin.Insulin uses blood glucose to provide energy and control glucose.Lack of it increases blood glucose a lot.The body is then forced to store the necessary energy from meat and fat in alternative ways.This results in abnormal accumulation of toxins (ketone bodies) in the blood.The amount of urine increases, the throat and chest of the infected child becomes dry, the child starts drinking water repeatedly.Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness.  If left untreated with insulin, the baby may die.

Blood glucose tests in children are not usually done, so are often not caught on time.Symptoms of childhood diabetes include:

 * Slowly drying.

 * Urinating more and more.He started urinating in bed again.

 * Drinking more and more water, even waking up at night.

 * I don't feel as excited as before, I'm getting a little tired.

 * Having frequent different types of infections, not getting well easily.

 What to do if you have diabetes?

 Control blood glucose through regular insulin injections as advised by the doctor.  In the early stages, it may be necessary to consult a doctor frequently to control glucose.Don't be upset.

Exclude sweets, sugar and sugary foods from your child's daily diet.Feed other foods moderately.You should also avoid eating sweets in front of your child.

Discipline in sports, cleanliness, running, all kinds of lifestyles.

Take extra care when moving, so that the child does not get any injuries or cuts.In the foot and tooth care, be careful when cutting nails.

Give a diabetic child the same opportunity as a healthy child in any kind of sport or activity, so that he/she is not discriminated in any way or suffers.

Check eye and kidney health at regular intervals.

If there is any kind of infection or fever in the body, consult a doctor without delay.


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