As many rumours about chocolate!!!!!
Weight gain, tooth decay, acne, etc.There are all kinds of rumours surrounding the tempting food chocolate, but what is the basis of all t...
Weight gain, tooth decay, acne, etc.There are all kinds of rumours surrounding the tempting food chocolate, but what is the basis of all t...
Weight gain, tooth decay, acne, etc.There are all kinds of rumours surrounding the tempting food chocolate, but what is the basis of all t...
Good news comes when the right eyelid jumps, and it is bad to jump the left eye’ - this is what the grandparents may have heard.But that i...
Have you ever felt a sudden pain in one side of your head?It looks like a sack that encloses with a drawstring.It seems that the whole wo...
The outer part of our skin is called the epidermis, where the last parts of the nerves here send signals to our brain when touched. Resear...
However, in most cases, these accidents happen due to unconsciousness or carelessness.Engineer Researched and Development Department, advis...
The female mosquito sucks the blood as much as it needs after piercing the human skin. But the problem for mosquitoes at this time is that...
At present, more than one and a half crore cows, one crore sheep and goats, one hundred crore pigs and billions upon billions of chickens ar...